Microsoft Virtual Heroday

On October 27, 2020, Microsoft Atlanta hosted its first virtual event with HeroBox, a nonprofit that supports deployed service members through programs designed to engage the American people. The event took place via Microsoft Teams with hundreds of Microsoft employees across the nation. 

HeroBox Executive Director, Ryan Housley, attended to introduce the organization’s mission along with HeroBox Board of Director, LTC John Burrescia who gave the event attendees a compelling speech about the positive impact their support creates for our Heroes. The Micorosft employees packed boxes with hygiene items, snacks and other donations that service members often forgo during deployment. Additionally, the employees participated in a paracord activity during the virtual event and created bracelets to go in each of the boxes. This event produced over 200 boxes that were distributed to 3 different deployed Units stationed in the Middle East.

Microsoft employees were also given the opportunity to download the HeroBox app to get matched with an individual service member to sponsor. HeroBox makes it simple for a Hero to make a list of their desired items and match them with a Sponsor who can commit to a certain number of individualized care packages throughout their deployment.


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